Hey Self!
I’m committed to you, forever; you got my word! These are the words I spoke to myself a few years ago when I made this commitment to myself, to show up for myself, no matter the circumstances. I was at a point in life when things and life just were out of whack; you know what I mean.
I had just turned 40. I thought ’40s meant hey you, you made it, you are 40, and you are doing it! At the beginning of the year, I had exited my business of 20 years; it was time. I had a backup plan in place, but it was backsliding just like everything else in my life. I was like, if this is 40’s then I prefer NOT!
Perhaps your 20’s, your 30’s your 50’s or now is when things in your life just are out of whack!
Deep emotional roadblocks are not emotions to take lightly!
I consider myself an ambitious entrepreneur, a Lady who is not afraid of changing up, although I have to admit that the roadblocks that came with turning 40’s caught me off guard.
I literally went from good income to zero income, which was an uneasy feeling to cope with. And sure enough, I fell into the trap of the enemy, the spirit of self-doubt.
The doubt in my heart rolled right off my tongue! God, why? What are you doing? Maybe I’m not an entrepreneur; perhaps I am unloved and unlovable. Perhaps I don’t deserve your blessings.
Just like that, I had forgotten about the fruits of my righteousness that lay ahead.
This is so common for us to panic when life gets out of whack with our plans. We literally forget about all of God’s promises for our obedience and freak out! The main reason is that we’re so consciously aware of the present moment.
John reminds us in 1 John, chapter 5 vs. 4, that if our confidence is in God and not ourselves, then as believers, we are victorious and overcomers! Go ahead and tell yourself, Hey self, this is astonishing news!
Ironically, it is during times of panic prayers when the spirit of God lovingly reminds us that God is faithful. (1Corinthinas 10:13). And because we are born of God, that makes us victorious and overcomers of the world! What’s comforting is that your life may be out of whack right now, it’s only temporary, and the best part is that God is a God of order!
You know, it is during whacky times of our lives that God requires us to do some self-reflection and allow His words and promises to speak to us. It’s when the Holy Spirit; our personal trainer is cheering us on to choose faith over doubt.
If life hasn’t yet, it will bring something that will whack up your life that does not align with your visions. In those difficult moments, You have two choices; to end your dreams and God-given creativities or endure through.
At the forefront of my 40’s, I made the decision to endure.
God is already committed to His children. Even when we find ourselves off track with Him and out of whack with life, He patiently, lovingly, and graciously waits for us to speak His words over our lives and circumstances and to step boldly into faith despite the wackiness of life along with prayer, meditation, service, and belief. This can be accomplished by learning scriptures and by praying and speaking them over your circumstances. Serving others is an excellent way to spread God’s love by focusing less on self and more on others.
He lovingly wants us to be committed to Him by being committed to ourselves and not giving up on ourselves.
Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:16 that we are not to lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
And if we commit our way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; he shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:5.
A good thing that comes out of my commitment to God and myself is learning to face every obstacle with indwelling faith. I diligently seek God when life is whack and when life is not whacking, I’m diligently seeking God; I believe in His words and promises and expect supernatural blessings! By this I mean, I have put my total weight on God and believe that He will deliver.
Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. God’s words have the power to transform us from the inside out so that God can move us forward if only we endure when life is whack. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him Hebrews11:6.
God is saying; I’m committed to you, forever; you got my word!
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