Cassandra Y. Branch
Coach and Founder

I lead determined women to be diligent in their vocations to confidently fall in love with love, embracing their individuality that gives rise to freedom. My greatest love is being a mama, daughter, sister, friend & believer. I'm not your ordinary friend, but an extraordinary friend with a God-given vision to build others up.

I believe that there is a need to do more. More biblical support, more resources, more like-minded community, more love, more innovators, and more blessings! God has blessed me to bless you through Lisa's Believe Ministries.(Quote) You have the ability within you to leap over the wall. This is easy to do when you have a Coach that will hold you accountable, support you, and love you.

"Never Forget That It's Your Journey That Makes You Strong and Your Faith That Keeps You Rising." - Cassandra Y. Branch

Are you ready to find your inner strength and increase your faith in God and in yourself? Then I, Cassandra Y. Branch, am here for you. My mission is to empower you through self-discovery. Send a message, and let's embark on this journey.